You made it to the New Year!! Wohoo! That’s something to celebrate in itself! To kick off 2019, we’re going to do something a little different than the usual newsletter. We’re going to talk about moving FORWARD; being better today than you were yesterday.
Everyone has goals, dreams, and problems to solve. You can accomplish all of them – one step at a time! I strive to be better each and every day, to move forward toward my goals. One of current goals is to improve my physical fitness. Another goal, always present, is to be the best defense attorney that I can be today, and to strive to be even better tomorrow.
– Marcy Fassio
Many people who I come in to contact with see me as "the lawyer". As I walk through the halls of the courthouse, they see my badge, my briefcase, my attire and I’m seen as just that: "the Lawyer". Everyone sees me as a "what," but understanding the "who" of me and my law practice gives you a better understanding of me, and how my practice works to better serve my clients.
I’m much more than just a Defense Attorney. I’m a mother, I’m a fitness buff, I’m a friend, I’m a follower of Christ. I go to the grocery store, I go to the gym, I spend time with my kids. These are just a few of the attributes that help form and shape my opinions, beliefs, values, and abilities. When I arrive in the courtroom, and when I’m working on a case, these attributes drive me to be better, faster, stronger, smarter, more generous, and more empathetic in every aspect of my life.
Many clients, potential clients, naysayers, and even allies sometimes forget that even when I wear the professional hat of Defense Attorney, I am a person with strengths, flaws, fears, and concerns, and I use all of these to my advantage to help my clients.
I’m a firm believer that thoughts become things. Wherever you focus your attention, that's the direction your life will go.
I believe in always getting better. I want to be better tomorrow than I am today. I consistently set goals, both for my practice and my personal life. For example, right now my goal in my personal life is to improve my physical fitness. I believe the stronger I am physically, the stronger and better every other aspect of my life will be. I strive and work to be strong: physically, mentally, and emotionally. I'm working to increase my muscle mass! It started as a thought, became a thing, and now it’s a habit. I follow the same philosophy with my law practice. Think up a strategy, materialize it, and see it through.
Marcy doing deadlifts at the gym
I meet many of my clients as they’re going through a rough time in their lives. Facing criminal charges is always stressful and nerve racking. Right now, I’m working on my physical health and strength. I spend many days in the gym to improve myself. I believe that if I take care of myself, I can take care of others. One important thing about fitness is that it not only takes time and dedication, but it also increases motivation and mental strength as well. As I expand my own motivational outlook and mental strength, I can pass that positive reinforcement to my clients and potential clients as they go through these difficult times. Not only can I help improve their legal matters, but hopefully, I can help their outlook on what happens after the courtroom.
I work for my clients. I respect that this is their life on the line. If they need a fight in the courtroom, I bring it. If they need the best deal possible, I work to get it. My job is to find and create as many options as possible, so my clients are able to choose for themselves the strategy that best meets their needs and goals. Even if I disagree with their choice, this is their life and I respect that.
One of the many keys to success is a positive mindset. Joyce Meyer, a world-renowned author and motivational speaker wrote a book called "Battlefield of the Mind", expressing how important it is to have a positive mindset that produces positive thoughts, because, in turn, a positive mind produces positive results.
Spending your days filling your mind with positive, educational, and motivational thoughts is vital, especially in the morning. You have the power to make your day, and it starts each morning with positivity. If there is a certain area that you need positivity in, be it finances, parenting, career goals, or general self-improvement, read at least five books that cover the topic to ensure that you are truly flooding your mind with positive reinforcement.
It is also vital to stay away from negative influences that can muffle or even starve the positivity that you are receiving. This can mean different things for different people. For example, staying away from negativity may mean turning off the local news. For others, it may mean that a person stops sharing their goals with those around them.
Regardless of the path, positivity is important to be protected and sought after to ensure a better tomorrow, and a better you.
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