OKC Criminal Defense & DUI Attorneys
OKC Criminal Defense & DUI Attorneys

Contact Us

You can easily contact our Oklahoma Criminal Defense Law Firm by phone or email.

Phone: (405) 593-8444 (call or text)

Email: [email protected]

Oklahoma City Address:  5100 N Brookline Ave #835, Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Yukon Address: 508 W Vandament Ave #304, Yukon, OK 73099

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We look forward to helping you with your case! Our Criminal Defense Office is located in OKC. Use the Map Below to get to the Fassio Law OKC Criminal Defense Office! Check out our results and testimonials page to see how we have helped many people.

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Fassio Law - Canadian County

Yukon Office location: 508 W Vandament Ave Suite 304, Yukon, OK 73099

(405) 593-8444

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